words & images, sometimes both
From a Spaceless Within
How does closeness look?
A filmmaker confronting the efficacy of telling one story over another rewrites expectations for a failed project about the artist known as Miles, whose planned installation addresses the experiments conducted by psychologist Harry Harlow in the late 1950s. Compositing past and future, truth and fiction, From a Spaceless Within approaches the construction and dematerialization of the artist while asking where our intentions take root when we attempt to create anything at all.
Runtime: 19:58
Dog days / Dog daze
In Canicular, different pasts are considered, and the specious present is made apparent. This piece is pulled forward by time and, at first, backward by text, asking that we start from a different beginning to explore alternate pasts and undeveloped selves. The focal points are canine—the bodies, the behaviors, slowed into purposeful observation of how me might be still even as we remain in motion.
Runtime: 10:55
This live performance disrupts expectations of immediacy through the body of a parched actor tasked with waiting for a toy duck to grow in water as part of a live demo. By roping in the audience as he himself has been roped into sitting with the duck by automated voices of authority, the growing frustration transfers to those doing the watching, and in turn, the waiting.
Performed in collaboration with the exhibition, “Reflect, Resist, Replay,” in Boston, April 2019.